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The Killer

Kelland Sharpe


David Fincher is the next notable film director to add to the forever-expanding world of Netflix's filmography and this time it comes through the form of 'The Killer'.

'The Killer' is essentially what it says on the tin. If you are going into this movie completely blind, with some hope that there will be a shortage of deaths, maybe this isn't the movie for you.

Fincher, as a director, is known for making movies for himself. And if he didn't make this one for himself, I am unsure as to who it was actually made for.

Although the direction is strong, alongside a solid solo perfromance from Michael Fassbender as said Killer, the script revolving around this film seems to fail to go anywhere at any pace whatsoever.

If viewers weren't gifted with the privilege of watching 'The Killer' from the comfort of their own homes, I could genuinely see a large chunk of audience members pursuing an early exit from the cinema for this film.

And this isn't to say that the film is necessarily 'bad'. After all it does come from the mind as one of the most well-respected filmmakers working today. But Fincher does however fail to his the thrilling heights of excitement that he has reached several times throughout his filmography in the past.

And by saying this, I am essentially stating that it is very easy for audience members to get bored watching this film. The slow pace and uncaptivating storyline certainly does it no favours.

As previously mentioned, the primary reviving factor for the movie is the standout solo performance from Fassbender as 'The Killer'. But even Fassbender in his absolute prime can't ressusitate this movie back to life.

Fincher himself, as a filmmaker, is known for the classic dark, noir theme within film. And this movie is no stranger to this genre. The colour gradients and camera work have Fincher written all over it.

And if you are a diehard Fincher fanatic yourself, you are destined to find the silver lining within this cloud of a movie that feeds the desperate craving of Fincher fever, that we are only treated to every 3-4 years.

But for those members of the audience that aren't too familiar with his work, I can speak with confidence when saying that you probably won't enjoy this film.

Overall Rating: 5/10


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