On May 3 2021, when it was announced that the up and coming production of "Captain Marvel 2", would be renamed as "The Marvels", fans were sent into an overload of confusion and excitement.
The most asked question of all being: "Who are the Marvels?".
And although that question us yet to be fully answered with a confident face by Marvel, we do have a somewhat clearer perspective thanks to their recent teaser trailer drop.
One thing we know for sure, is that we will be seeing Brie Larson return as Captain Marvel, for the first time on the big screen since her appearance in Avengers: Endgame.
The first taste of the movie's ingredients come through the form of the post credits scene to recent MCU limited series, Ms Marvel. Where was saw the newly introduced Kamala Khan, transform into Brie Larson's Captain Marvel, in the comfort of her own bedroom.
It seems that Marvel still haven't lost their love of leaving us right on the edge of our seat via a post credit scene.
We also know for sure that Kamala Khan (Iman Vellani) will be returning to the Marvel stage for her first appearance on the big screen, as well as Monica Rambeau who we haven't seen since she was "recruited" by Nick Fury at the end of Marvel's Wandavision back in 2021.
The plot of the film seems to rotate around these three central characters, with the most recent teaser for this film, previewing the trio with the uncontrollable ability to switch one another's location and presence in time.
The Marvels' will be the first MCU production to centre around three female leads carrying the main storyline, which sets up an exciting direction as to which direction the MCU can go in.
To see the full trailer for The Marvels, click the following link: