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Kelland Sharpe


The latest addition to the forever entertaining and action-packed filmography of Matthew Vaughn comes through the form of 2024's 'Argylle', starring Bryce Dallas-Howard and Sam Rockwell.

One thing that I must warn potential audience members heading into this film or any Matthew Vaughn film for that matter, is to not take it too seriously. Of course, throughout Vaughn's filmography he has dabbled across the line of reality a number of times, and he certainly teases it in 'Argylle'.

There are some occasions where you have yourself questioning as to whether what you have just witnessed could actually happen, and the chances are, it probably couldn't. But the trick with this movie is to not take it too seriously and just enjoy it for what it is.

'Argylle' certainly falls within the action/thriller genre because throughout the movie commits itself to being exactly what it says on the tin, a spy film. However, there are countless occasions of comedic relief scattered throughout the film that add a sense of light heartedness to a fast-paced and intense storyline.

And who else to add comedic relief in times of stress than Sam Rockwell. Although this cast is just about as stacked as you can get: Henry Cavill, John Cena, Bryce Dallas-Howard, Ariana DeBose, Samuel L. Jackson, Dua Lipa, Bryan Cranston etc. Sam Rockwell is the captain of this ship that ensures that the film remains enjoyable for the audience throughout.

Although there are some questionable plot points in this movie that will leave you scratching your head in confusion, I personally feel as though the storyline for this movie is nothing short of entertaining. There fails to be a moment of boredom throughout this film, and some of the plot twists scattered throughout are genuinely unpredictable enough to the point where you feel as though you may have completely underestimated the talents of Matthew Vaughn and his creative team.

Yes, there are moments where Vaughn attempts to stretch the capabilities of physics and logic, but this film is entertaining enough to the point where you tend not to care about any of that and just enjoy the movie for what it is.

A particularly interesting dynamic that we seen unfold before us in this movie is the parallels between what is real and what is fake. Of course, Henry Cavill is tasked with the responsibility of portraying 'Argylle', the fictional hero with an unbelievable physique and even more unbelievable hair style. Whereas Sam Rockwell takes on the role of 'Aiden', the real-life spy who's main purpose is to ensure the safety of 'Elly Conway' (Dallas-Howard).

Various occasions on this film, we see transitions between the two characters (Aiden and Argylle) that truly reflect the differences between what is fictional and what is reality. Of course, in our heads spies are meant to look like Henry Cavill, brave, strong and heroic. But maybe in reality, they look and act a little bit more like Sam Rockwell does in this movie.

And no this isn't just a comparison between to specific characters essentially portraying the same role. As I think the comparison between Aiden and Argylle provoke questions about the differences between fiction and non-fiction, making us question whether the things tha we build up in our head are as realistic as we may think.

One thing worth mentioning is the fact that this movie is without a doubt a spy movie. Chances are that if you walk into the theaters to watch this film, you are fully aware of what you are getting yourself into. And if you are a fan of entertaining and light-hearted spy movies that don't take themselves too seriously, you will without a doubt enjoy this movie.

One of the primary aspects that I found pleasure in with this film is the fact that it knows exactly what it is and isn't trying to fool anyone by being too serious or dramatic in times when it isn't required. And if you are familiar with any of Vaughn's recent filmography, you will be fully aware of the similarities between 'Argylle' and the filmmaker's previous productions.

Overall Rating: 7/10


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