The latest rendition of William Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing' comes through the form of Will Gluck's 'Anyone But You', starring Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell.
This film is without a doubt a more than subtle nod to the classic rom/com's of the late 1990's and early 2000's. A sub-genre in film that has been scrutinised in the past for being too regular and predictable. But following the recent move of independent cinema over recent years, it's nice to be reminded of the kind of movies that most of us grew up with.
For a living and breathing die-hard Shakespeare fan expecting to see layers of his work on the forefront of this movie, don't get your hopes up. 'Anyone But You' is without a doubt a romance/comedy film first, just based on an original story by Shakespeare himself.
And although there are comparisons between 'Anyone But You' and 'Much Ado About Nothing', the only real nods back to Shakespeare's work itself come through the form of various quotations scattered throughout the background in this movie.
Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell are more than lovable as the two leads in this film. It is clear to see on screen that the two actors possessed much chemistry off it, which inevitably enhances the users experience when seeing their fictional relationship play out before them.
The concept of two people who once shared a fondness for eachother that has now turned into a boiling hatred, forced to convince their loved ones they are in a relationship sets up for a funny and entertaining storyline. And the film certainly delivers on that point.
All of the classic rom/com's from the late 90's and early 2000's are all based on an interesting predicament between the two protagonists that is destined to see them be put through awkward and cringey scenarios, and 'Anyone But You' is certainly no different.
This movie is based in Sydney, Australia, in which the Ben and Bea (Powell and Sweeney) find themselves reunited whilst traveling to the other side of the world to attend a mutual friends wedding. The fact that this film is based somewhere as scenic and thrilling as Sydney, Australia only adds to the excitement received by the audience.
Before entering the cinema to watch this movie, I expected to be in stitches of laughter throughout and I say with disappointment that this wasn't always the case. Of course, there are always some comedic moments scattered throughout classic rom/com's, most of the time at the expense of the protagonist's embarrassment.
And although this was the case for 'Anyone But You', I did expect to find this movie a lot funnier than I did come the end of the 103 minute runtime.
Although Sweeney and Powell do their absolute best to entertain the audience throughout this film, most of the time at the expense of their own, there are various identifiable attempts at trying to get a laugh from viewers that seem too desperate and just cringeworthy.
Whilst the storyline for this film is enticing enough and has enough twists in plot to keep an audience enticed for a runtime shorter than two hours, the film fails to deliver on a surprising ending that whisks viewers off their feet and takes them completely by shock.
But then again, if you're a movie lover that adores a good rom/com, are you going to the cinemas to actually be whisked off your feet in surprise, or just to watch a good old rom/com?
One factor that I did enjoy about this film is that it knows exactly what it is and that it isn't trying to be anything that it isn't. Most movie outlets these days would feel ashamed and frightened to release a rom/com into an industry that is now dominated by both sci-fi action movies or independent and emotional films.
But the fact that this film comes out to the audience and reveals itself as nothing other than a good old rom/com is worth applauding as that is exactly what this film is.
Overall Rating: 6.5/10